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KingKlip’s name comes from the old Dutch word “koningklipvisch” which translates as “king of the rock fishes”. It’s very popular in South Africa. Although a kingklip resembles an eel, its body is not round in cross section. It is tinged with a light pink colour and covered in irregular brown blotches. Kingklip can grow to 150 cm in length. Kingklip is a demersal fish, living on or near to the seabed. It is often caught in trawl nets together with hake and is known as a common “by-catch” species of the South African deep-sea trawl fishery. Catches of kingklip are restricted to a precautionary catch limit of 3 000 tonnes per year. They are a relatively slow growing and long-lived fish and cannot sustain a targeted fishery. This is why they are managed as a by-catch species. Like other whitefish, such as hake, kingklip is low in fat and prized for its delicate flavour and firm white flesh. Kingklip are found at depths ranging from 125 to 1500 feet in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans. The Kingklip has a mild, sweet flavor with firm and dense flesh resembling monkfish, but softer and with large loose flakes. Kingklip has long been the traditional ingredient in caldilo congrio a spicy, Chilean-style bouillabaisse. The size of the of the kingklip which has a head like a fish and a body that resembles an eel can be as much as 6 feet in length and weigh 50 pounds. The average market size is about 10 pounds. Golden red and black Kingklip are marketed internationally, but in the United States the Golden and Red are considered to be of the best quality.